August 14, 2024 10:36 am

The latest in British Cycling

What an opportunity to support British Cycling and nurture tomorrow’s talent. Rallying younger riders around new science, principles and best-practice – it’s going to pay off in so many directions.

~ Dr Emma Ross, CSO @ The Well HQ

As you can tell from the blurbs and the boxouts, we’re pretty pleased to bring news of another major TWHQ partnership.

We’ve been working in the background to deliver hyper-relevant content and coursework to British Cycling; specifically for those coaches supporting young and breakout talent. It bodes well for today and even better for tomorrow.

It’s a huge opportunity to catch the next generation of champions as they’re on their way up. To inform and explain what adolescent cyclists’ bodies go through and to bed in a new era of female-centric culture and training …

Topics and taboos

Developed by our own Dr Emma, alongside physiologist Dr Briar Rudsits and talent coach Tiffany Fletcher, the course is a flagship part of the new Coaching Pathway framework at British Cycling.

This framework is a positive step forward to firm up the foundations of the sport, arming coaches and leaders with info and tools to make a difference to up-and-coming riders and the sport itself.

The first tranche of courses instruct on four core, female-centric topics: Menstrual Cycle, Kit, REDs, and Environment & Culture.

Through the discovery phase we’ve learned much about cycling and the systems in place to support riders at all stages.

Some insights have been really eye-opening. Without being too graphic, there are huge and often unspoken considerations when a female spends several hours with an intimate body part locked to a saddle. British Cycling are happy to get it all out in the open and, as you can imagine, so are we.

Awareness, communication, better practice and change – these four tenets are key to ensuring a positive impact and change. This isn’t just about performance and medals, it’s about rider satisfaction and widening cycling‘s appeal …

It’s establishing systems of education and care that’ll define the sport long after we ship on out.

The good news keeps coming

We’re hugely grateful to British Cycling for having the foresight, willingness and open-mindedness to bring in a programme of education and commit to rewriting her future in the sport.

We’re buzzing over here for this and many other reasons. Maybe it’s the summer refresh; maybe the Olympics. Maybe it’s the next announcement coming your way soon. Another time, another time …

For now, join us on social to stay up with the haps.

And more good news that is good. Great.

TWHQ offer four groundbreaking, evidence-based courses on the female body across her different lifestages.

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