August 27, 2024 2:15 pm

August: Shhhhhh it’s quiet time

Plus PMS, period progress and why female athlete = mental health risk

1. Working Well

R&R after a year in the life

We normally start with a round-up of the goings on in our world; with partnerships, presentations and progress. So we’re super excited to reveal …

None of that. It’s been relative down-time at The Well HQ. We’ve been focusing on family, research, admin, taking stock and enjoying an incredible summer of sport that’s still ongoing …

That’s not to say things aren’t moving in the background, they sure are, but as people who preach work / life balance, it’s important to do down time. To step back and be among the people, places and things that matter most.

A forthcoming newsletter (due in September) notes that we started these emails a year ago, and the now / then shot is incredible. These 12 months tell a startling story of change, progress, devastation, frustration …

When in the thick of it it’s a case of head-down-keep-going, but coming up for air allows for reflection on the magnitude of what has been achieved (and what was very nearly lost) in the last year. Summer R&R here – hope you did too.

2. The World at Well

It’s normalising. Period.

Periods have been on a journey the last few years, haven’t they?

Not long ago, period products were luxury items. Period realities were talked about in hushed tones. Ad campaigns stayed super safe. Media steered clear.

No one’s saying we’ve reached a destination, but it seems and feels like society’s much more willing and prepared to talk openly about periods.

For one, the VAT has been removed. WTF was that all about?

But we also see more Caught Short Kits and posters. We hear more honest conversations and see braver brands no longer talking in sanitary riddles.

There’s also much innovation in period wear, tech and products …

3. Spotlight on solutions

What’s in your nearest bathroom?

Two shout outs. One to our partners at School Blazer for putting period underwear on the kit list and providing choice for girls in their sporting lives.

See picture. Genius. The other shout out goes to the innovators behind a new pad dispenser and to House of Sport for installing them in toilets. Design solutions for periods – never thought we’d see the day …

On that, though, we’d love to see pics of period innovation near you. If you know of any clever or crafty period product ideas, displays or dispensers we’d love to spotlight it.

Post your pics, tag us, and let’s celebrate progress together.

4. Here Comes the Science Bit

Gender disparity in youth elite athletes’ mental health

Hot off the press, a new academic study into elite youth athletes’ mental health underlines several unsettling facts.

Chiefly, that being female and being an athlete are mental health risks.

In disordered eating up to 41% of youth (12-17 years old) elite females showed problem signs compared to up to 14% of males. In depression, 40% of females showed signs compared to 14% of males, while anxiety hit 28% of females compared to 8% of males.

These problems aren’t massively surprising but the gender disparity is alarming. It’s damning. Broken record risk alert, but we need to better educate coaches and practitioners of the differences in working with male and female athletes. We need to improve screening and monitoring processes and we need to build robust mental health referral pathways …

Why d’we need to do all that? Because all of the above, that’s why.

5. Medical BS

Does my diet influence PMS symptoms?

Dr Bella says: Probably. It differs person to person but diet is massive. 

Sugar, caffeine, processed foods, dairy and alcohol can all trigger symptoms, while water, zinc, turmeric, Omega III, calcium and vitamin D can help if used consistently.

Carbs, too. Instagram-era messages paint carbs as the devil but the female body needs carbs to keep the lights on. We need carbs to power our menstrual machinery or else our systems will run on half speed.

If you struggle with PMS why not make some dietary changes. Experiment and tell us how you go.

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